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Simply Splendid Blog

Playing to the Underdog with Instant Gratification


Photo by Elias Castillo on Unsplash
We usually associate politics of the progressive left with supporting the underdog. Perhaps it is instinctive to champion David over Goliath, Erin Brockovich over Pacific Gas and Electric, and the lead role in Slumdog Millionaire over privileged society. The American right is armed with catchy slogans such as 'Make America great again', now refurbished to 'Keep America Great', 'Drain the Swamp', 'Vote for me - You have no choice', and, 'Build the Wall', but their actual policies run counter to the interests of many of their supporters. On the left, policies that would benefit the underdog, struggle to get the attention of those who would benefit most. Therefore we have to look deeper to find out what is really happening. Read more

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